Lazy Sundays

Book Cover: Lazy Sundays
Part of the Lazy Days series:
  • Lazy Sundays

Scott Weston’s car is sensible, his suits are bland, and his job is stable but boring. Mundane routine helps keep his anxiety and obsessive tendencies under control. Socializing—especially dating—isn’t on his list of strong skills either, and, made worse with the echoes of his disapproving mother. So he’s content to stay at home with his lists and cleaning and wildlife documentaries, until a one-night stand goes unexpectedly right.

History has taught Devon DuCaine that dating can be uncomfortable, but there’s just something about Scott. He may be the opposite of Devon’s own long-haired, tattooed, free-wheeling spirit but he brings out the nurturer in Devon. Maybe it’s Scott’s surprising fascination with Devon’s motorcycle, or his shy surprise in moments of affection, but there’s more under those sensible suits than meets the eye. The most important person in Devon’s life, his mom, taught him love and compassion and that’s all he wants to share with Scott.

Their one-night stand turns into a regular thing, but Scott doesn’t trust it to last. He’s pretty sure Devon is hiding something. He’s even more sure that once Devon gets to know him, the attraction will fade. And then there’s his mother. However many sparks fly between them, Devon will have his work cut out to convince Scott they can have their happily ever after.

(This book was first published as 2 short stories, but this new version has double the content from the originals.)

Reviews:Lena Grey on Rainbow Book Reviews wrote:

“I believe forgiveness is the best form of love in any relationship. It takes a strong person to say they're sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.” - Yolanda Hadid

When someone special comes into your life and your heart sings every time they are near, do your best not to ruin it with insecurities and doubts. Accept it as the precious gift it is and work like heck to encourage the feeling. That doesn't mean to go in blindly, but do so with an open mind and heart. Get to know each other. Give the relationship every chance. When Scott Weston, of 'Lazy Sundays' by K-lee Klein, meets Devon DuCaine, he can hardly believe his luck. This sexy, strong, handsome, gentle man seems too good to be true. Instead of enjoying it, Scott is filled with doubt, expecting it to end at any moment. He can't get over the fact that someone like Devon would give him a second glance, much less want to spend time with him. Scott is so used to being put down that he hardly understands someone who would encourage and support him like Devon does.

Instead of being annoyed at Scott's penchant for wanting things perfect and symmetrical, Devon is considerate. He lines the pillows up on the couch in perfect order, makes sure his shoes are perfectly straight when he takes them off at the door, etcetera, because he wants Scott to be comfortable. Whatever it takes for Scott to feel that way, Devon simply does it. It's his special way of letting Scott know how much he cares about him and wants to fit into his life. The lazy Sundays he spends at Scott's house are precious to him because they are quiet and undemanding. Devon needs that like he needs air. He feels guilty about not telling Scott what he really does, but if he does, he thinks will cease to be “just” Devon, Scott’s adoring lover. As long as Scott doesn't know who he really is, then Devon can have the peace of mind of knowing that Scott wants him for himself and not for what he can do for Devon. Devon hates lying to Scott, not letting him all the way into his heart, but the fear of losing what they have keeps him from doing so. Devon wants to tell him, but there never seems to be a right time to do so.

As good as times together alone are, Scott wonders why they never go out. That thought leads to other negative ones. Is Devon embarrassed to be seen with him? Also, he begins to question why Devon tells him so little about his past and his family, why it's so off limits, when Scott has been so open about his own dysfunctional family. Scott begins to think that Devon doesn't trust him enough to share his deepest thoughts and feelings, when that is far from the truth. Scott begins to obsess about why Devon won't be seen with him in public. His heart tells him he is being foolish, but the rest of him can't stop his feelings from swirling out of control, ending in an awful fight with Devon that ends with him throwing Devon out. Afterwards, he ends up on the floor, almost catatonic with grief wondering what the hell he has done.

This story is a real rollercoaster ride of emotions. I loved both Scott and Devon but they had so many problems, the least of which were the ones that originated from their own insecurities and misgivings. The trust they needed to be secure in their relationship was more than either had ever had in the first place. They had to learn to forgive and trust themselves before they could trust each other. Thanks, K-lee, for the amazing story of love and forgiveness.

Originally reviewed at Rainbow Book Reviews.

Melissa Brus on Paranormal Romance Guild wrote:

On the surface, Scott Weston and Devon DuCaine could not be more different. Scott is all about his routines. From his buttoned up appearance to his job as an accountant, from his chore lists to his super organized apartment, Scott needs the control to combat panic attacks and to deal with his less than supportive mother. Devon DuCaine, on the other hand, has long, unruly hair, tattoos, and rides a motorcycle. Scott’s careful life collides with Devon’s messy one in a one night stand that becomes so much more. What Scott and Devon fail to realize, is that they share the same insecurity: neither man believes that they can be loved for who they are.

Klein combines two previously published shorter stories plus a lot of bonus material to turn Lazy Sundays into an even better full length book. This is such a sweet love story. The depth of insight into these two men as they learn how to be in a healthy relationship is so touching. Their path is not easy, and Klein does not let their love be the cure for all of their issues, rather she shows how to love someone with those issues, how to love unconditionally. This is a great book for Lazy Sunday reading!